Tuesday, May 27, 2008


For Memorial weekend instead of camping and going on a vacation we did a bunch of miscelaneous things. It started on Friday night with us going to the Clearfield Aquatic Center. This has become our favorite hang out lately. Our kids are little fish. On Saturday night we took the kids on the Front Runner and headed to the gateway. We hit a gourmet restaurant know as The Food Court! Yum! The kids all chose Hot Dog On A Stick. Super Yum! We let them run around the arcade and of course you can't leave without playing in the fountain. But believe it or not we made it out of there without getting wet. Then it was back to trax and back on the front runner. The kids loved the train and we had a great time. But next time we will take stollers, It gets really old chasing 2 2year olds everywhere. We would have skipped church on Sunday to go fishing but we "chose the right" and went, I had to teach so that got us there too. We finished the day by painting a chalkboard and a magnent board for the toy room. On Monday Brooklyn went and played at Grams house so that I could do an overhaul of her bedroom. No kidding, 4 hours later I was still organizing. She is very good at hiding things in every crack of her bedroom. We were supposed to go to a BBQ but that got rained out so we pretty much hung out and cleaned the house. Although "clean" doesn't really exist at my house. My amazing Husband did plenty of fix-its around the house. Thanks honey, You always impress me with the things you know how to do. So needless to say, we had a fun relaxing weekend with no schedules to keep up with. I could use lots more of those


Brittany said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun! You are so good at taking your fam out on fun adventures!